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Holy Week - The story Of Jesus' Last Days On Earth - 12 Cards Per Pack

Holy Week - The Story of Jesus' Last Days on Earth. Size: 6 x 6 This story coloring card tells about the last days of Jesus up to his crucifixion. Covers Jesus going into Jerusalem, last supper, praying at the Mount of Olives, and his arrest. There is more written about Jesus' last week than any other time in his ministry. This coloring card helps children remember these stories. Panel 1 Starts with Palm Sunday where Jesus rode into Jerusalem riding on a colt. The Bible references are Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-38 and John 12:12-15. Includes Old Testament reference Psalm 118: 26 - Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Panel two Covers the Passover meal where Jesus predicted that Judas would betray him and the story of Jesus going out into the Mount of Olives to pray. Scripture references are: Matthew 26: 17-30, Mark 14: 12-26, Luke 22: 7-20 and John 13:1-30. Panel three Continues the story at the Mount of Olives, of Jesus praying over his upcoming crucifixion. Bible references are: Matthew 26: 36-45, Mark 14: 32-42 and Luke 22: 39-46. Panel 3 also covers Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus. The Bible verses are: Matthew 26: 47-55, Mark 14: 43-49, Luke 22: 47-53 and John 18: 1-12. Panel 4 Covers Jesus' arrest and trial before the Sanhedrin, Pilate, the release of Barrabas and finally Jesus being sentenced to death by crucifixion. Bible references are: Matthew 27: 11-26, Mark 15: 1-15, Luke 22: 66-71 and 23: 1-25 and John 18: 28-40 The video below shows how every Memory Cross card folds If you are looking for free lesson plans for Palm Sunday visit Ministry-to-Children.
Price: 10.95
